Along with advanced physical therapy hands on techniques, patient education and a thorough home exercise program, you will benefit from the following holistic methods;
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy is a hands on, very gentle and holistic technique developed by osteopathic physician John E. Upledger at Michigan State University. This technique addresses the Craniosacral system; a system of membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds, nourishes and protects the brain and spinal cord and influences many other systems in the body. The intra-oral techniques utilized in craniosacral therapy are especially important in the treatment of head and neck pain including TMD. The gentle pressure utilized in this method is also very effective for patients with more severe chronic pain and inflammatory disorders thus making it easier to tolerate hands-on treatment.
Please visit the link to the Upledger institute website below for more information:
Visceral Manipulation
Visceral Manipulation is a gentle hands-on approach developed by the French Osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral. This technique addresses the organs (viscera) and fascial tensions of the body with the goal of directing treatment to the source of the issues rather than the symptoms. Head and neck pain can often be influenced by other areas of the body and so it is very important to consider other dysfunctions in order to see lasting changes.
Please visit the link to the Barral Institute website for more information:
Meziere Method
Meziere Method was developed by a French Osteopath by the name of Francoise Meziere around 1947. It was developed as a holistic approach to postural dysfunctions that influence other common pathologies. This technique utilizes therapist assisted active stretches in specific postural positions in order to provide more permanent improvements to posture and associated pathologies. This method was later brought to different parts of the world by its students and at times modified into new techniques, one of which being the better known “Global Postural Reeducation” (GPR) which utilizes some different techniques and postural positions but stems originally from Meziere Method. Due to the significant connection between posture and cervical spine issues, TMD and headaches, it is a very important asset to the treatment of head and neck pain.
For more information please visit: